Thursday, May 13, 2010

Story-mory time pregnant

24 Julai 2008 - 27 April 2009

Jom kite balik ke masa lampau dan kite mulakan dgn saat2 indah iffat dalam perutku..Kejadian iffat mula dikesan bile diriku demam 3 ari lepas kenduri belah papa iffat (time nih ogos 2008)..Puas la papa iffat suh diriku makan ubat tp bese la org x suke makan ubat, pujuk cane pon mmg tak jalan..then ajak papa iffat gi farmasi beli pregnancy test kit sbb dah ada feeling cam pregnant..balik umah trus test and +ve..agak terkejut sbb baru kawin 3 weeks, honeymoon pon tak pegi lagi..

papa iffat yg tgh sedap tido trus dikejutkan and die pon tak day pegi klinik tuk confirm and doc say 'yes'..dipendekkan cite (pjg tuh kalau nak cite sume), with iffat in my tummy tak susah mana..morning sickness mmg takde cume ptg2 pas kije ade la muntah2 sket..itu pun mase bulan puasa..makan pon takde rase nak mkn pelik2 sume normal..

preparation untuk iffat kitorang buat sket..this month beli tuh, next month beli ni plak..excited nak dapat 1st child kan..sume org pon cam tuh..check-up every month berjalan lancar sampai la time iffat 32 weeks, doc ckp air ketuban byk and suspect diriku kene diabetic..hohoho..terpaksa la buat test, minum air gula yg tak sedap itu..and the result, manede diabetic nih..but then doc still tak puas ati, suh buat detail scan..

diriku pon follow je la..time tuh mmg gundah gulana sbb tatau pe yg jadi sebenarnya..sgt2 risau ttg baby dalam perut..pegi detail scan, hasilnya kate air ketuban mmg banyak + jantung and perut baby ade prob..trus suh jumpe pakar..b4 this jumpe doc bese je..

jumpe pakar o&g kat pusrawi (sbb plan nak bersalin kat sane)..buat scan lagi skali, doc ckp sume okie so die pon tak sure apa yg still die refer pada sorg lagik doc yg expert bab2 fetal medicine, klinik die kat and hubby trus buat appointment and jumpe die, kitorg pon explain our concern and doc nih skali lagik buat detail scan and the result same cam doc pakar tadi, everything ok..die siap ckp air ketuban byk tuh common and for my case takde la byk sgt..

me and hubby agak lega..and teruskan penantian kelahiran iffat spt bese..jumpe balik doc pakar, die just advise "even though doc said nothing wrong with the baby inside, it is better for you to have your labour at any hospital that is fully equipped with nicu and paed surgeon, in case needed"..since pusrawi has all that, so our plan remains..

EDD iffat is 24 April 2010..since my mom still working, mil yg dtg tunggu..20 April lagi dah sampai, diriku gak yg nak sbb tgk kwn2 sume bersalin awal..but then sampai EDD tak bersalin, so just pegi check up..ari tuh doc check kate dah open 1cm and from ctg dah ade mild contraction..trus ditahan tak bagi balik so bermula la kehidupanku di hospital..

pendekkan cerite lagi..tunggu punye tunggu..sampai la 27 April 2010..diriku mmg takde tanda2 nak bersalin..sakit pon takde rase even though kalau tgk ctg graf tuh ade contraction..doc still bg tunggu since i insisted on normal delivery..pagi tuh turun check and scan kat klinik, doc said dah 3cm, then tanya, "do still want to wait or we induce you to fasten the process?"me and hubby discuss, and agreed to fasten the process..dah rase lama benar dok kat spital..anak seronok dalam perut lagik..

To be continued...


  1. iza, sil aocnitnue cite ni..dah 2 bulan takde pon? tgh seronok bace ni..tetibe2 to be continued plak..adeh

  2. *sila continue <<-- salah taip daa..ampun
